Monday, March 20, 2006

Finals, the bottom line is timing

Well, it's finals week again, and while I'm never one to utilize the 24-hour library hours, I do put my fair share of study time in. After 8 hours away from the house today, all dedicated to studying, I've come to the realization that there is only so much a professor can cram into a two-hour test. There is no point in studying something for an hour if there is going to one question over that material on the final. My accounting final is the only one I have that I think will honestly take all 2 hours, but it's over about 12 chapters of material, so I think I'm safe with skimming each of them for main points. Turns out, this idea of less is more came to me just a few minutes after beginning to study for accounting. Coincidence? Well, as it stands, I've got another couple of hours to go tonight, and then it's pretty much nonstop tomorrow from 10am until about 7pm. If only I got paid for this eight hour day. Hopefully I'll have time later tonight to enjoy writing about something that doesn't make my brain hurt and almost impair my vocabulary, but we'll see. It's too bad the creation of this blog came during a time where so much half-useless information is being crammed into my head, that my imagination seems to be taking a backseat. I think the remedy may be a few long nights in Canada. Yeah, that sounds good.

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