Wednesday, December 20, 2006

My future casino

Well, this has been going around since high school, but I have future plans to own and operate a casino. It has really been my only plans for the future, aside from general stuff, but it is a dream of mine that I honestly would have tons of fun pursuing. This is the introductory notice, as I haven't really looked into anything like basic costs, start-up costs, property taxes, etc., but hey, I'm not even old enough to gamble yet, so I've got time. I plan to slowly investigate the actual feasibility of my dream, and come back to you from time to time with updates.

Every casino in Vegas seems to have a theme, so I figure mine will too, but I'm not sure what it will be yet. I was thinking music, kind of like a rock and roll hall of fame type thing, with a huge tribute to The Beatles, but we'll see. All I know about my casino is that it's going to be awesome, it's going to have a hotel, it's going to make copious amounts of money, and the employees will be comprised of friends and family, first and foremost. Everyone I know will have a job and be paid generously. Of course, they will have to earn their positions based on skill and such, but they will be paid generously in their respective positions.

I am currently hiring based on the principle of "dibs", and you may sign up for your positions now. I currently have only 2 filled positions, which are held by myself and Bryan. As of now, I plan to be Owner and co-CEO, Bryan being the other CEO. It is more of a partnership, but limited liability like a corporation. I won't bore you with the legal aspects, but we're going to be the most important people in the place, plain and simple. So sign up now.


Anonymous said...

I am applying for the position of your arm candy, do I get the job?

Kevin said...

You sure as hell do. Congratulations, you're hired!
