Saturday, December 16, 2006

Nuggets at Knicks, 10 ejected after brawl

Tonight, the NBA is dealing with its biggest brawl since the infamous Pacers-Pistons brawl in '04. Though it wasn't nearly as bad, tonight there were words exchanged, punches thrown, tackles, everything short of Jeff Van Gundy clinging to someone's ankle like a little child. In total, 10 players were ejected, who will undoubtedly be fined and/or suspended. Among them, league leading scorer Carmello Anthony, J.R. Smith, and Nate Robinson. We'll have to see what David Stern does with this one, as it's close enough to the last one to be made an example of, assuming this one leads us to believe the last one wasn't made enough of an example. All seriousness aside, the best part of this fight was when Nate Robinson ducked J.R. Smith's tackle attempt, turned, and tackled Smith into the second row. What a take down. Read about it and check out the SportsCenter clip here.

[via ESPN]


Anonymous said...

Whoa! Hadn't seen that. That was ugly. Talk about too much violence on tv. In some ways this is actually worse than the Indiana-Detroit brawl as it appears it was completely limited to players(no fans hurling big gulps)and more players were actually involved in the melee. On the mitigation side, however, no chairs or weapons were used, and it was an equal contest between evenly matched players in the heat of battle, not an unfair stalking by a wayward bent fan.


Kevin said...


Carmello was suspended 15 games, Nate Robinson and J.R. Smith both got 10, Collins got 6, Jared Jeffries got 4, and Jerome James and Nene got 1 a piece.
