Saturday, February 24, 2007

What do I think of Ryan Appleby?


(Oregon 93, Washington 85. Brooks had 30. Have fun at the NIT tournament UW!)


Anonymous said...

When they interviewed Appleby before the earlier loss in Seattle, he said he doesn't think about it anymore and had put it behind him. Well, obviously he hadn't. His refusal to accept a handshake from Brooks at the start of the game, and his childish movement away from Brooks in the congratulations line at the close of the game is proof of that. Made him look like a baby. I tried to put myself in his shoes, and ask myself if I had been sucker-punched by an opponent's player (honestly Brooks' shot to the face last year was a cheap shot)would I hold a grudge too. Perhaps....but I hope I would try to be mature, forgive the act, and do my best to make amends when the guy puts his hand out for me.

Fantastic weekend for the DUCKS!!!!


Kevin said...

Yeah, what Aaron did last year was clearly wrong, but it was in the heat of the moment right after he got elbowed in the face, so I'm not sure he thought too much about it before he did it, it was just kind of an emotional reaction. The fact is though, he apologized, and it has been an entire year! The fact that Appleby is still a baby after this long shows his lack of character and leads me to believe he is a douche bag! But seriously, everything he did last night bothered me, and if I were on the court, I think I might have elbowed him in the face.

But oh well, I think a 1-9 road record and missing the NCAA tournament is punishment enough.
