Wednesday, April 02, 2008

The Dark Knight April Fools Day Prank

As you all know from a few posts ago, a new Dark Knight viral site (went up March 3) called Clown Travel Agency had just a suitcase and an envelope on it which had "Departure Date 4-01" written on it. It was a static page, nothing dynamic, but the "4-01" was, presumably, the hint that something would be happening on April Fools Day. Well, sure enough, it did.

Up until March 31, the envelope looked like this:

As you can see, sealed.

However, if you were to check back on April 1, you would see something a little different:

Now it's opened, and the loose pages inside are a link. When you click it, up pops this message:

This is a message, presumably from the Joker, which asks if you're ready to take part in his little game. This is also a link, and when you click on it, it takes you to this page:

At midnight on April 1, this showed up as blank locations. It was basically a treasure hunt. Throughout the day, the items were found around the country and world in the listed cities, and as of this posting, all items have been found, which is why all the stamps and full addresses are shown. The items turned out to be bowling balls in bags, with a smart phone, phone charger, and joker playing card in the bag as well. I assume the phones were to call a certain number to tell them you found it, but I'm not sure. (/film has some pictures) And who knows what the bowling balls mean? Anyways, this message quickly burns up to reveal another message:

This message refers you to a specific page of a new viral site called Acme Security Systems. When you go to this specific "Delos" site, a security clearance message comes up asking you to enter your name, phone number, and e-mail address. Please, do yourself a favor and enter this info, especially the phone number, because this is where it gets fun. After you do this, you get a phone call asking you to verify your security password, which the letter informs you is "Needle." After you say this, Commissioner Gordon comes on and tells you it was a set-up, you've been caught, and that you're either with him or against him; either going to join his team, or go to jail. (/film has the audio & more pictures) After he hangs up, the site flashes this message:

It says that your name, e-mail, and IP address has been captured. And that's the end of it.

I'm really hoping I get some viral e-mails soon, and maybe some viral text messages. I am totally into this. I think it's a lot of fun, not to mention some great, GREAT marketing. And it only heightens my anticipation for the movie. Man this is cool! What's next?

Stay tuned for more updates, I'll put 'em up as they come.

UPDATE: So, you know the one that was found in Portland? Well, P.K. and Ivan, two of the Jammin' 95.5 Playhouse morning show guys, actually found it, and have put pictures of it on their website here. Apparently they're getting a call on that phone that was in the bag on April 4 giving them further instructions. They've put the stuff up on eBay with a starting bid of $30,000. Who are these guys kidding? Here's the eBay link if you're interested. (Thanks to Romey-Rome for the heads up)

1 comment: said...

This radio station got one. They now have it on E-Bay.
