Thursday, March 23, 2006

Finals wrap-up

Well, after my 8am final this morning, I was officially done with this term. It's about time. This term, I had to essentially waste 3 classes because I had one class left to take until I was allowed to take business school classes, so these classes have not exactly been up my alley. Now that it's all done though, I feel like I did pretty well this term. Here's the analysis:

The only class that mattered was my accounting class, and going into the final Tuesday, my first of four finals, I had a somewhere between a B+ and an A, so I was feeling pretty confident that I knew the stuff. The final was hard, which the professor warned us about, but I thought it went alright. In order to get an A in that class, I need a 93% on the final, which I don't think I pulled, and to get an A-, I need an 87%, which is right on the edge of how I think I did. So, it's looking like either an A- or a B+, which I'm happy about.

Later that day, I had my business ethics final, which I'm pretty sure I aced just like I did the midterm, but my paper scores (which were bullshit by the way, but that's another story) may pull my total grade to a high B, which I'll take, but won't be happy about. That class was very interesting, and is actually being pushed as a future business major requirement, so I'm glad I got the knowledge and am, for the time being, ahead of the curve.

The next day, Wednesday, was my Astronomy final, which was made up mostly of questions from previous tests written verbatim, which the professor told us before hand (minus the verbatim part), so I just studied our 3 previous tests and was totally prepared for all of those questions. There was a small amount of new material, which is the only variance I will have, so I'm expecting an A on that final, and hopefully an A in the class, pending the curve he said he was going to put on the class.

The last final was today was my Japanese art history class, which sucked the entire term. Not because it was hard, because it wasn't, but because the professor was a native Italian with a thick accent, who lived in Japan for 7 years, and as a result is completely incomprehensible. It was hard enough trying to decipher what she was saying when she was speaking english, so the Japanese was impossible. Regardless of that fact, I felt the final went well. I know I made a big stupid mistake on a recognition question (we see an image, we write what it is) mixing up two hand scrolls, so that takes my chances down to between a B and a low to midrange A on the final. The grading is based on a midterm, a final paper, and the final, and with the paper and the final not being graded yet, I really can't say what I have, but I project anywhere from a B to an A.

All and all, not too shabby. Being that a B is the lowest grade I think I can get in all of my classes, I'll take it. Knowing my luck though, what I think will be A's will turn out to all be B's and I'll end up with a 3.0. Hopefully everything will work out though. So that, my friends, is what we here in the biz call a finals wrap-up. It's time to go celebrate being done with a nice long nap (8am, turns out, isn't the best hour for me). Spring break is here, and I'll fill you in on those plans a little later today.

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