Sunday, June 04, 2006

The Ballad of Bilbo Baggins

Oh my God! I was reading through my blogs today, and found this:

Thanks to The Movie Blog (see sidebar) for this rediculous video. Leonard Nemoy, who knew? I apologize to those hardcore LOTR fans if you're offended, but I had to post it. For God's sake, it's hillarious!

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Bad news: The song is totally addicting, and I found myself singing it earlier today... I watched the damn thing yesterday! I think it's time for the ultimate song-in-your-head killer: The Jimmy Fallon Pepsi whistle song. Copy this address:

and you can download it from me via that file exchange thing I was talking about. It's much better in the commercial, and if you want to watch that, check my archived post here:

It's the ultimate killer though, and you'll be whistling that for weeks.
