Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Tommy Morrison comeback, new poll

You guys remember Tommy Morrison, the boxer that starred in Rocky V? You remember back in 1996 his career ended? No, no, not because he was in Rocky V, but because he was diagnosed with the HIV virus. In a blood sport such as boxing, naturally, such a diagnosis will end your career.

Well, recently, Morrison has been planning a comeback, and he was actually cleared to fight on Tuesday by the West Virginia Athletic Commission and will face John Castle in a four-round bout Thursday night. Morrison, on the Dan Patrick show, claimed he was misdiagnosed back in '96, and said it was steroids that skewed the results. He also stated that he does not and has never had HIV, and is ok to fight. He claims he's taken every test for HIV out there, and all have recently come out negative.

Fair enough, but I have a few questions. Why has it taken 11 years for him to get cleared if he never had the virus? Why isn't he suing the doctors that diagnosed him positive in the first place and prematurely ended his career? Why has he chosen to fight in West Virginia? Is it because they don't require blood tests for fighters? (They don't). Is that suspicious? (It is). What are you thinking if you're John Castle? Do you take the risk? That brings me to my latest poll:

[via ESPN]

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