Friday, June 20, 2008

All Sorts of Things

As you may have noticed, I haven't been quite as prolific with the posts lately. I've had so much going on in the last few weeks, I just haven't had any time. But I figured I'd get on here and give you all an update on my life, tell you what my plans are as far as the Blogarrhea and all my other online social existences, and where I go from here.

First thing's first: I graduated last Saturday. Pretty cool, had a lot of fun with family and friends, and am relieved that it's over. But, the relief didn't last long because...

Second thing: I accepted the job with Reynolds and Reynolds. I'm pretty excited about it, and have gotten more so the more and more I find out about it. That means I'm headed to Houston for six months. I start July 9, so I'll be hitting the road around the 5th. I may or may not be living with a roommate, but either way, I'll probably have a while there where I have a lot of free time because I don't know anyone and am not familiar with the area, so I plan to be back on the blog with plenty of posts, so don't worry. I'm also a pretty prolific Twitterer, so you should all join Twitter and follow me at Also, don't forget about KevsPix at I plan on keeping all that up throughout my time in Houston.

Speaking of my blogs, I'm going to be driving myself down to Houston, and that's going to be pretty boring. It's about 36 hours of driving, so I'm going to need something other than Mountain Dew to keep me going. So I'm thinking about doing some kind of pix journal or something where I just take pictures of the drive and post them on one of my blogs. I'm not exactly sure what the best way to do this would be, so maybe you guys have some suggestions? What would you want to see, assuming you will tune into the blog as I go? Should I take pictures with my phone and upload them to my pix blog? Post them to the Blogarrhea? Take pictures with my digital camera and post each night when I get to the hotel? What format should it be? I'm in the brainstorming stage of this "project" right now, and figured I'd ask for some suggestions. After all, you guys are the people who are going to be seeing it.

Any help you could offer would be great, just tell me what you think in the comments.


Anonymous said...

you should make a separate blog for your time in Houston with pictures, work...and a part about how much you miss me!!

Franklin said...

Pix blog? Kevin Regan's Triparrhea? I like it!

Kevin said...

I think some sort of picture-driven blog would be best because I'm going to be going through Salt Lake and Denver and some pretty scenic areas, so there's probably going to be a lot of stuff I will want to take pictures of anyway. So, making sort of a picture journal might not be a bad idea. That way, I can tell you all how it's going on the 4 days of travel while sharing some of the things I see and Places I'm driving through.

What do you think?

Franklin said...

I thing that's exactly the way to go. Maybe a written update halfway through or any cool stories along the way.

Kevin said...

I think I'm going to do a combination of things. Here's the preliminary rundown:

First, I'll be taking pictures using both my camera and my phone. As I take pictures with my phone, I will upload them to KevsPix ( That'll probably be mostly pictures from inside the car.

For the pictures I take with my camera, I will upload to my computer that night (assuming the hotel has internet) and posting something on the Blogarrhea along with the pictures. Maybe a rundown of the day, if there's anything to even write about.

As always, I will be using Twitter for all the short notes along the way. Follow me there at

I think a combination of those 3 will give a pretty solid look at what's going on throughout the trip, and will give me enough to do that I won't get too bored along the way.

Speaking of that, anyone got any book recommendations? I think audiobooks are the way to go on a trip as long as this.
