Wednesday, March 22, 2006

In The News: Bush's plan for the war

As you may or may not know, we recently executed the largest air strike since the initial invasion 3 years ago. It was a nice way to celebrate our 3-year anniversary of being over there, but now we have plans to stay much longer. What I don't understand, among many other things in this Bush administration, is why. Since we went over in 2003, this administration has acted according to a timetable on when we are going to get out of there, or at least that was the plan, and people got behind it. The timetable seemed to get stretched out as the years went by, and now we're here, still in full force, and losing support for this thing fast. His approval rating is amazing isn't it? It's around the low-30s now, which is (and who would have expected this?) a new low. The desire to get our troops out of there has flooded Washington, and is quickly creeping into the Republican party. Many Republicans are joining Democrats and pushing for a large-scale withdrawl within the year. Bush, however, has declared that the business of taking troops out of Iraq is going to be the next administrations problem, because he does not plan to take them out by the time his term ends. The fact that congress as a majority (which includes Republicans! The very people who voted for this guy) is against this military push just makes me wonder. But what made me question his motives was the quote he made Tuesday stating, "The enemy has said that it's just a matter of time before the United States loses its nerve and withdraws from Iraq. That is what they have said." Is this a war about pride? What is he trying to accomplish other than keeping his reputation intact to a bunch of terrorists? I mean, is it me, or does that statement seem like it came from a man who was challenged and offended? There are some things I just don't understand about this administration.

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