Thursday, March 23, 2006

Spring break

Spring break is here, and this year I have plans. It's been a long time (20 years?) since I've been able to take a trip with a bunch of friends on spring break, and this year I vowed that I was going somewhere. Turns out, Bryan was thinking the same thing. The same exact thing actually, cause we both wanted to take a few days and go to Canada. We brainstormed and researched (and by we I pretty much mean him) and found a great deal for some place to stay up there, so that pretty much sealed it. I will be leaving Sunday, coming back Tuesday, and having a whole lot of fun in between. Bryan, Amanda, Luke, Hayley, and I are going to pack into a car and drive up to Vancouver, where we're staying in a hostel that Luke has stayed in and recommends. My arguments (not that I had any, but if I did) ended when I was told it would be $16 per night.

It's called the Cambie Gastown, and you can check out the website by clicking the image above. Sounds like a place where they have beds, which is pretty much the only prerequisite I require for a trip. Regardless of where we are staying, we are going to have one hell of a time. All 5 of us, good friends, enjoying ourselves without anything to worry about, at least school related. That's one of the best parts of having terms. We can enjoy each break because we have no class obligations. Nothing on our minds except having enough fun to last us another term. I'll have my camera with me, so I'll be taking pictures, and if any of them are good, I'll put them up here. I know it's only Thursday, but I'm ready to leave today. Let's get this spring break going!

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