Wednesday, March 29, 2006

We're back, we're minors again.

We made it. We went, we saw, we conquered. The trip was so fun, we were planning our trip back before we had left. The place we stayed at was awesome. Funky, as it said on the website, was a pretty adequate explanation, but the word "cheap" is the only word that mattered. $16 a night was well worth it. Not only did it have beds, and running water, but it was also on top of a bar, which was really cool. Among other things, they had really good fries and onion rings, which we took advantage of on more than one occasion. Here's the short story of the trip.

The way up there was surprisingly easy to handle. It only took 5 1/2 hours, which undercut our estimates, and there was hardly a line at the border, which we got through very easily. We got up there around 4:30, settled in and hung out, and wound up eventually eating dinner at the Steamhouse restaurant, which was very good. The next day we did a little walking around, noticed the abundance of bums, took some pictures, and went back to the rooms and hung out for a while. That night we had dinner at the bar downstairs, which was real good, and a better deal than the Steamhouse. The next morning, we got out of there by 10, but took a longer route out of the city, so the ride back felt much longer than the ride up, which it was. We had a nice send off when we looked over on the side of the road just in time to watch a bum puke his guts out on the sidewalk. He must have had a hard night, because there was a hell of a lot of it when he was done. Anyways, the rest of the ride was puke free.

Here's a good picture, as I said I'd post, of a sign that really doesn't need to exist. If you don't know this by now, you deserve to slip.

It was a great trip, and I'd love to do it again soon, but we'll see when soon might be. Now, it's time for me to catch up on the sleep I missed. Here's to another year of being a minor.


Anonymous said...

what? no comment about the bum with the shopping chart?

Kevin said...

Well, I don't remember a shopping "chart", but there was a bum with a shopping "cart" that was definitely noteworthy, but I guess I forgot. This bum had a loaded shopping cart, and was flying down the road, downhill, steering as best he could with his shoe. He must have been going 20 miles an hour, and when he got to the bottom of the hill, without breaking stride, he made a left turn. Amazing! He was the most talented bum I had ever seen. Sorry for the omission.

Anonymous said...

I hate you
