Friday, April 14, 2006

Life Update

Ok, a lot has happened in the past week or so. First off, the classes this term are going well. I like them a lot. They are way more fun than the other classes I have taken here, so I can see that I have made the right choice with the business major (and the music history minor). I haven't done much graded work, but I'll let you know where I stand later in the term.

Speaking of majors, we had a New Major Celebration for all of the new members of the Charles H. Lundquist College of Business on Wednesday. They had food and we got a bunch of information about everything that goes on in the business school. There was a huge emphasis on getting involved, so I've decided to join a couple clubs:

Alpha Kappa Psi - This is a professional business fraternity that will be helpful for me, a business student. They have mock interviews, resume workshops, guest speakers, and other stuff like that. They also provide a great resource for finding internships and jobs, because it's all about who you know and all that crap. Plus, it looks good on a resume. It carries a workload with it, but I think it'll be managable.

The Sports Business Club - This club is pretty self explanitory. They deal with the business of sports. They host an annual basketball tournament, go on trips, have guest speakers, and generally explore the sports business world. They're going to Seattle for a Mariners game here soon, and also most likely getting a tour of Safeco Field and the whole business side of it. It does not carry the workload that AKPsi does, and will be fun, and again, it's good for the resume.

I think it'll be fun, and getting involved is important, so I'm looking forward to it. We do have to pay dues to get into the clubs, and I have to rush for the fraternity, but I should get into both.

Another thing I had on my plate this week was an interview for an internship with the athletic department next year. I went in and did it yesterday, it went well, and I got the call today telling me if I got it or not. It's a year long internship with the football program next year, starting in the fall. There are about 15 spots for people, and I got one of them. I'm looking forward to that big time. I have a meeting this Wednesday, so I'll let you know more about it when I know.

That's pretty much it from here. Just wanted to keep you posted.

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