Saturday, April 01, 2006

What Really Grinds My Gears

Thanks Diane, you know what really grinds my gears? Well, there are a lot of things, but there are a certain few that deserve mentioning. Like messy roommates. When I came home from spring break today, the apartment was a mess. I don't know how an apartment can be left like this before it's left for a week, you'd think there would have been a little cleaning up before leaving, but apparently not. And it wouldn't be so bad if it wasn't all my stuff. See, it's not me who's making the mess with my stuff, but other people. I like keeping my stuff clean, and I like keeping my stuff nice, and when that is jeopardized, it gets under my skin. I try to keep it to myself, but sometimes, it is just time to say I'm tired of it. Next year, hopefully with 3 girls in the house, and a combined 7 people, things will get cleaned collectively, but around here, it's just me. Which is another thing that grinds my gears: constantly cleaning up after people. It's not like I have a low tolerance for messiness, believe me, but when it gets to the point where it's just too messy, it's always me who's doing the cleaning up. I should get paid minimum wage and have to wear an apron for all the work I do around this place. I really don't like cleaning, but by the ammount I do around here, you'd think it was a hobby. So I give up. I've tried for 2 terms, and nothing has changed, so I'm just going to stop. I'll keep all my shit in my room, and clean up after myself, and that's it. We'll see how it goes. And that is what grinds my gears. More segments to come.

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