Monday, June 19, 2006

It was time to put the Acura down

She was old (going on 15), she had very little time left (the tags expired on the 26th), and she was in pain (230,000+ miles). So I made the decision: I had to put her down. It was sad, as saying goodbye to a good friend always is, but she's in a better place now. Up in wholesale heaven with the rest of 'em. I'm going to miss that little white Integra.

After that whole sob fest was over, I got this:

My new truck

A 2000 Ford Ranger. Obviously cherry red, it's a 4-cylinder 5 speed with rear-wheel drive and a kick ass AM/FM radio. Ok, so the radio has got to go, but I have a truck! I just got it today (well, technically yesterday). Dad called me up, asked if I wanted to come down to the dealership to look at trucks, I said hell yeah I do, and this is the result. Here are some more pictures:

Check that interior

XWP, any clever nicknames?

I have to put a stereo in it, and put some real tires on it. A lift wouldn't hurt, but we'll see how much money I make this summer. Anyways, I'm stoked that I finally have a truck. Just thought I'd let you all know.


Anonymous said...

May the many, many, many trips to Pogy's always be remembered in the old Integra. May it rest in peace knowing that it will never again take my fat ass to get any fatter at delecious Sub Sandwich Shop.

Kevin said...

Oh man, Pogy's was awesome. The best times I had in Political Issues were the ones talking about Pogy's, planning for Pogy's, calling Pogy's, gambling for Pogy's, and racing back from Pogy's. And at 2 subs for $6, who could resist? Brings me back.

Anonymous said...

Aye, so many sandwiches were won or lost on hands of poker in Cauthers class. Ironic, the class I paid the least attention to in high school due to excessive sandwich planning and consumption is now my major in college. Must be that I associate politics with sandwiches, and that's the only reason I pay attention to it.

Kevin said...

Haha, sandwiches...inspiring college students everywhere. Is there anything they can't do? (No, no there's not.)
