Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Casino Royale Movie Review

Wow, that really lived up to the hype. I loved it. Now, I'm not going to write long-winded reviews anymore, partially because nobody reads them anyways, but also because I feel that short one or two sentence reviews give the reader a better idea of the movie, regardless if that review comes from me or a professional critic. This description is the last long-winded comment I think you'll see in a movie review. So, here's my best shot, trying to stay as far away from stupid critic cleverness ("This movie was all aces" - Joel Siegel type crap) as I can.

Casino Royale totally restored my faith in the Bond franchise. It had the action, the suspense, the chases, and the story to rival any previous Bond film (of which there are 20), and added more swagger and attitude to the already rich character. This being a prequel, the subtle allusions to the Bond we know and how he became who he was (or will be, I suppose) were very well done and fun to notice, yet didn't detract a bit from the story we were all immediately immersed in. Kudos to Paul Haggis, who I'm sure had a hand in much of that. Daniel Craig was amazing, I was very impressed with how great a Bond he played in only one movie, and I'm looking forward to much more of him in this role (he's only 38, and already signed up for the next one). I loved this movie.

On the Reganometer, I give Casino Royale a 10 out of 10, and give it a huge "Go see it!"


Anonymous said...

I agree with you, and by the way, I do read them even if I don't respond.

Kevin said...

That's what I was hoping, I just had to get some verification. It's kind of funny that this comment came without a name attached too, kind of ironic I guess.
