Friday, December 22, 2006

7 Things the Ducks do now

Well, last night we got the shit beat out of us, rolled over on our bellies, and got beat some more. It was bad. I'm not going to make any excuses, but over at the Ducks blog, Bob Rickert has 7 things the Ducks need to do now. A few of these I've been saying all season, and a few of them EVERYONE'S been saying all season, but Bob is much better at articulating them than I, so here you go.

1. I let Dixon and Costa battle it out for the QB spot.

2. I simplify the offense and force Stewart into the action more. Short passes, toss sweeps, whatever. Simplify the damned thing so Stewart's talents are more in play. Total joke the lack of using this guy correctly.

3. I go get Chris Patterson to play middle LB next year or Tony Fein. Both JC guys could step in and fill Phillips' spot. They also need someone to fill Haberly's spot but Bacon could probably accomplish that. They should really try to get'em both.

4. I'd look long and hard at putting Matthew Harper at that safety spot vacated by Nelson's graduation. If not, Byrd's there, and Bates or Glasper have to either get their head on straight (Bates), or step up, (Glasper). Thurmond looked very strong last night. One of the bright spots.

5. I'd get Edward Dickson on the field somewhere. Slot receiver, H-Back, somewhere. And make him a big part of the offense. He can play.

6. Stop with the stupid trick plays to open every game. You're not tricking anyone Gary. The BYU fans I talked to said the same thing. 'he's been doing that for years. We all knew something stupid was coming to open the game. Gary thinks he's smarter than everyone else and he's not.' Fair enough. Picks, fumbles, sacks, great way to start the game. Scrap it. You wanna be a big boy program, you need to make big-boy plays. Not trickery.

7. All spots on the O-Line are up for grabs again. They were terrible last night. They blocked like grade schoolers. No openings for the run game at all. They did block really well for the passing game. If you look, Leaf stood around looking for someone until he was sacked, and Dixon just took off and made 7-8 yards every time because he had to.

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