Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Can you guess...?

Can you guess what these dresses are made out of? They were all created by the same person using the same product. Hayley wants me to tell you all that the pink one is reserved for her. You might be jealous, or you might not, depending on what your guess is. What do you think? Sidebar recognition if you get it right.


Zach Francis said...

Now, this might be because I'm a fatass, but are they made out of candy? Because when I zoomed in on the orange dress it looked suspiciouslly like something glazed and sugary. I could be horribly wrong, and probably am.

Anonymous said...

Yes you are wrong..they are condoms of assorted colors.

Colin said...

Well Zack we all know that you love the taste of a good condom deep in the back of your mouth, that might just be a seattle pacific joke but those are definatly condoms and I am glad that Hayley likes the pink one, it looks good and safe.

Kevin said...

Yes Colin, well played. However, when you say the pink one is safe, they're all safe. They are made out of condoms after all. This was an expression for World AIDS Day that some designer did, and I thought it was pretty cool. Thanks for guessing you guys.
