Monday, December 04, 2006

Fall term rundown

Today is Monday of finals week, and I'm taking a break from doing absolutely nothing to catch you up on how my term has gone and could/should wrap up. The reason I'm not doing anything is because I don't have my finals until Wednesday and Friday, and although I may start reading for the one on Wednesday tonight, I am enjoying the day of laziness. Anyways, here's how the term has gone so far.

This term has been pretty busy, and I've had a lot of stuff to do, but it turns out it's been worth it. The classes I've taken this term are Business Law, Business Statistics, Intro to Japanese Lit., and Jazz History. The classes I have finals for are the first 2, and I am totally done with the second 2. If the term were to end today, I would get straight A's, and that is pretty awesome. Here's how my classes break down, in order of end date.

Jazz History:
Going into "midterm 3," which is just the final in week 10, I had a 96%. This is the fourth music class I've taken from this guy, and this was the 12th exam, so I knew what to study and how. I'm not positive on what I got, because he posts grades outside his office in the Music building, which is on the opposite side of campus as all my other classes, so I probably won't go check, but I can safely say I got an A, A- at the worst.
Final Grade: A (UPDATE: 95.8% in the class, A)

Intro to Japanese Lit.:

Going into this "midterm 3" I had a 101%. Note, this is a 300 level class, which means it could count towards my major or minor if Japanese was either of those, and I had 101% in the class. Needless to say, I studied very little for this test, ended up with a 25/30 on it, and finished the class with a little more than 98%. So, if this professor gives +'s and -'s, I'll get an A+.
Final Grade: A+ (UPDATE: 98.2%, but only an A)

Business Law:
As it stands right now, before my final on Wednesday, I have a 92%. However, assuming no questions get thrown out (which is a big assumption) and no curve, the final will be worth 30% of my grade, so that 92% could change. It could be a 95% with a perfect score or a 62% with a 0. Hopefully, it will be more like the first one, and I can pull out an A. If I do as well as I've done on the last 2 tests, I will keep my current grade, and I think I can do that, so I'm going to say I'll get an A-, B+ at the worst.
Final Grade: A- (UPDATE: 90.7% on Final Exam, 91.5% in class, A)

Business Statistics:
This was my least favorite class out of all 4, so I'll just get down to the grade. Right now, I have a 94%, but the final is 40% of my grade, so again, a lot could happen. I got a 93% on my midterm, so hopefully I can do that again. To get an A-, the minimum I can get on the final is an 83.5%, and for an A is a 91%, which is doable. I'll be safe though and stick with the A-.
Final Grade: A- (90.9% in the class, with curve, A)

So, realistically, I can get all A's. Possibly a 4.0 too if I only get one A-, and that would be my highest GPA yet in college. It would be with 16 credits too, which is a full load, so that would be pretty good. But, that's ambitious, and I'm not there yet, so I'll just wait and see. In the mean time, I gotta study!

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