Monday, December 11, 2006

NBA goes back to leather ball

Before this NBA season started, David Stern introduced a new composite ball, shown above, even with players complaining and a generally negative consensus. However, as will be announced by Stern tomorrow, the league will go back to the old leather balls starting January 1. An interesting decision, considering the switch is going to be made in the middle of the season, and players have had just enough time to make the adjustment and get used to the new balls. For players, they'll have to get used to the feel of the old ball again, and for teams, they'll have to round up all the old balls and get them into the practice rotation. The Celtics, for instance, have a game Dec. 31 and Jan. 1, so they'll play with the new ball the first game, and have to switch to the old one the very next day. We'll see how this goes.

The main reason behind the switch is injuries. Yes, injuries. Many players, including Steve Nash, Jason Kidd, and Dirk Nowitzki, have reported cuts on their fingers and hands from the high friction of the ball. Apparently, with all of Stern's "durability" testing, he forgot to think about the players. Figures. However, this quick switch does make you think "hey, maybe David Stern does care about the players." It was just a move he had to make.

So what does Steve Nash think about it, being one of the main objectors before the season started?

"It's taken me two months to adjust to this new ball, but I've made the adjustment. I'm actually OK with the new ball now." Reached Monday before the Suns' game in Orlando, the two-time reigning MVP blasted the reintroduction of the old ball on the fly as "a comedy of errors."

"I'm disappointed," Nash told "I'm disappointed that they didn't seek more input from us before they [introduced the new ball] and I'm disappointed that we're changing the ball during the season. It's still tearing up my fingers, but after three months ... it's too late. I'm telling you, the [two] balls feel totally different. There's a different feel, a different weight, a different texture," he said.
There's no pleasing that guy. But the decision wasn't made because of the feel, it was made because of the cut fingers and hands. No word on whether the new ball will go into the shop and make an appearance in the future, but as of now, it's out.

[via ESPN]

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