Wednesday, December 20, 2006

What to do on the web

Lately I've been spending a lot of time on the internet. It's mostly out of boredom, although I do use it for practical purposes occasionally. Anyways, I've realized something after spending a solid 3 or 4 hours sitting in front of the TV with my computer in my lap: I don't even scratch the surface of the internet. I get on, go to about 10 places, and then I'm done. It sucks. My friends update their blogs about once a day, if that, Woot! changes it's product once a day, I only get so much e-mail, there's only so many top stories on my Google homepage, and Digg only has so many appealing articles. Needless to say, I need more to do online.

So I come to you, loyal readers, asking for advice. What do you do when you're on the internet? What websites, blogs, etc., do you visit? What is there to do out there?! I know there's tons, but I can never seem to find it. So, a little help?

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