Tuesday, January 23, 2007

The term thus far

This term has been odd. Nothing really has happened yet, and that's what's odd about it. It's week 3, and just today I had my first in-class quiz in any class. Last term I was waist deep in work, but not yet this term. I'll just give you a rundown class by class of my thoughts.

Finance 316:
Right now, we haven't really learned anything. Sure, we've been taught things, but aside from a few formulas (which are really just technicalities), everything we've gone over has already been taught to me in other classes. We've had one homework, due this past Sunday, and it wasn't too bad. We also have a stock market assignment where we follow about 6 stocks for the whole term and then write a report on it, so that's not bad either. I have a feeling though that I'm going to need to kick it into gear sometime, like I did all last term, but I guess I'm still waiting for that time to come.

DSC 335:
This is an operations management class in which we learn how to manage operations. That's essentially it. We've learned a bunch of different ways to organize, plan, execute, you know, manage various operations common to a business. The quiz I mentioned at the top was in this class, and it was solid. Not sure what I mean by that, but I guess it was a little long and a little more in depth than I expected. This class will probably force me to read the textbook, something I tend to avoid as much as I can.

Jazz History II:
This is the second part of the class I took last term, and there's nothing different about it at all. Everything you learned about the class I had last term applies to this class, which is nice for both you and me, but more me because I don't have to think as much. I know exactly what's going on.

Marketing 390:
This is a marketing research class. Or, at least, it's supposed to be. The first class, we did the whole syllabus thing and left. The second class, we all showed up, and we waited. 20 minutes went by, no professor, so we left. Third class, the TA came in and gave a 20 minute presentation, no professor, we left. Fourth class, note on the door, class canceled, we left. Finally, today, the fifth class, we have class. He apologized, he had a family excuse, and any of us would have done what he did. I won't go into it, but his daughter was having surgery and he needed to be there. So now we're off and running, and it looks like I made the right choice going with Marketing, because this is apparently the worst class and I'm enjoying the material. Good thing.

So, overall, there hasn't been as much work yet this term, which is kind of unusual to me since last term was all work all the time. Also, class expectations are a bit hazy to me so far, and the way these teachers give exams is also unfamiliar, so there should be a learning curve on my end coming up real soon. At least I hope it does, or I'll be way off. But that's the term thus far. More to come as it progresses.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the discussion. I appreciate hearing you reflect seriously on your classes. Hope you are well, and that things become clearer sooner than later.


Zach Francis said...

Jesus Kevin, I've posted six times since your last post. Usually it's the other way around. Anyway, it's good to see your classes are going well, and that even the worst class in your major is interesting.

Kevin said...

Yeah, it's been a slow weekend/week for me. Not sure what I can write about. I haven't really gotten out of the house much, what with the laziness and all. Hopefully I'll be back on at least a post a day pace soon.
