Thursday, February 15, 2007

My Valentine's Day

I hope everyone had a great Valentine's Day yesterday. It's a very two-faced holiday though, so those of you who didn't have a good V-day presumably had a bad one. Either way, it's over now, so we're all safe for another year. Anyways, I had a great Valentine's Day, and if you don't mind, I'd like to tell you about it.

First, Hayley had to get up way early to run with other military folk on campus, as she does every week, at the crack of 6:45. So, I woke up around 7:15 and made her breakfast:

I set it all up in my room with the same table I used last year to cook her dinner on Valentine's Day in my apartment. So when she came home from running she had pancakes, eggs, and bacon waiting for her. (The eggs were delicious by the way).

After that, I had to go to class, so I did. Then I went to work, and around 3:30, I came home. We just laid around, watching TV until it was time to get ready for dinner. So I got dressed, left, and came back and picked her up with a dozen roses and a box of her favorite truffles. Then we headed off to:

It was really good. I had penne with shrimp in a spicy marinara sauce, and Hayley had grilled halibut topped with capers, sun dried tomatoes, and feta cheese. Both were really good, but hers was especially good. Also, given that we are still minors, we both enjoyed Sprites. It was kind of funny, because I think the waitress thought we were 21 and were going to order drinks, and we hit her with "I'll have a Sprite. Make that two please." When that was all said and done we came home.

That's when she surprised me with dessert in her room. She had candles lit and strawberries and music and a present. She got me the Pasta Express, the as seen on TV pasta cooker. It was clearly for laughs, but I actually did want it. Then I gave her my present:

A bear in a tux with roses. I wish I were half the gentleman this bear is. What a guy. Anyways, it's a Build-a-Bear, and it's the first one I've ever done. I gotta say, that store is so creepy. The people, the process, the children, ugh, it kind of makes me nauseous. But, the end result is good, so I guess I'll deal with it.

So that was my V-day. I had a lot of fun, and so did Hayley, so it was a success. Thanks for reading.


Anonymous said...

Kevin -- It's for posts like this one that I appreciate your blog. You would never tell me all this, but through the magic of cyberspace, I get to know stuff about you.

I am glad you both had fun. A corny holiday to be sure....but hey, love makes the world go round.


Kevin said...

Yeah, I definitely wouldn't bother to say all that. But type it, you betcha. Weird how that works.

Oh, and speaking of corny, "love makes the world go round"? Nice touch.
