Sunday, March 11, 2007

The Deck Overhaul, pt. 3

Well, after a few weeks of sitting there on the deck, all bare and incomplete, we decided to paint our table today. Bryan and Amanda went out to True Value, picked up some paint and some brushes, and got to work. However, it wasn't exactly that easy.

Before they did that, we had to decide how we wanted to paint it, and what we wanted to paint on it. The idea came up that we paint the new logo the Duck Shop came out with, this one:

We all like this new logo, we have the t-shirts and everything, and it's basic colors, so we figured it was perfect. However, it's not so easy just getting this logo onto the table. We had to come up with some way to get it traceable and big enough. Well, Bryan has a big wall flag like to one above, so he took a picture of it, Photoshopped it, and made a transparency of it that we could put a light behind and shine onto the table and trace it. Seemed easy enough. First, we had to coat the surface of the table with white paint though, so that the shadows would be as dark on the surface as possible. When the paint dried, we mounted a 125w flood light to the ceiling of the deck, and I held the transparency in front of the light, as still as I could, while Amanda traced it. For as poor of a shadow as the thing made, Amanda did a great job tracing it out, I was impressed.

So after she got done tracing it out on the white surface (and just the white surface actually made it look a whole lot better), I had to hit the road because I was meeting my mom and a bunch of other family for dinner for both our birthdays (my mom and I share a birthday, if you didn't know). So, while I was at dinner, Bryan sent me a picture on my phone of the table in progress, as they were still working on it:

WOW! I was really impressed. The tracing had obviously turned out great (all props to Amanda), because this logo looks exactly like the flag. Now, I can't attest to what they've been doing in great detail, as I haven't been there, but I will give you my assumptions. After they finished the logo (it's finished above), they painted the rest of the table black:

As you know from the first two Deck Overhauls, we had that leaf part too that is folded down in the above picture. What were we going to do with that? We first thought we would split that logo in half, half on each leaf, but that wouldn't have worked out as well. Amanda had the idea that we put the "OREGON" like on the flag logo at the top of this post on the leaf. I left before I fould out how they were going to do it, but they did:

The white around it is just they left over white they haven't touched up with black yet, but wow does that look great. Here's the filled in, pretty final version:

I am impressed with all 4 of these pictures, and can't wait to get back to the house to see it for myself. Seriously, how cool is that?

I'm not sure if they're done for the night or not, and I'm not sure if we're done painting, because there was talk about the "O" logo in each corner, but we'll see. I'll update this post if I get any new pictures/information. Also, as these are cell phone pictures, when I get home tomorrow, I'll get some hi-res ones up so you can enlarge them. So keep checking back, and I'll see you next time on The Deck Overhaul.

Here are the hi-res pictures. They are some of the table after it was done being painted, and some after we started to put lacquer on it. Click a picture to enlarge it.

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