Saturday, March 03, 2007

My Haircut

Last night, Hayley wanted to cut my hair, and since I'm a poor college student, I reluctantly obliged. We both agreed that if she messed up or it looked funny, she wouldn't be offended if I went to the hair cutters today and got it cut. So she sat me down in a chair and went to work. Here's the "before":

As you can see, pretty shaggy, and it was getting in my eyes, so either way, it was time for a trim. She took about a half hour, probably longer, being all careful and everything, but it turned out really good in my opinion. Here's the "after":

A lot shorter, but I think it looks good, so I don't think I'll be paying for haircuts much anymore. Thanks Hay!

Here's proof that she did it:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Like the hair cut, and like getting to see pictures of you as well. Thanks Hayley!

