Saturday, June 09, 2007

Open Your Ears: Roddy Woomble

Quite a name right? Some of you may actually have heard of him and just not have known it. Roddy Woomble is the lead singer of the Scottish band Idlewild, a group I picked up on last year, and I think they're great (Check out the song "El Capitan" on iTunes, it's my personal favorite). He's putting out a solo CD soon, and the title track sounds really good. He left the indie-rock for the band, and this album is more a bluesy, Scottish folk album. I like it, and apparently the album is really good. I'm sure I won't find it anywhere near me, but hopefully it will find its way to iTunes so I can hear it. Open Your Ears and take a listen to the title track "My Secret is my Silence":


Anonymous said...

How did you hear about this? I always liked his stuff, but didn't know about the change.


Kevin said...

I spend a lot of time on music blogs and websites, and occasionally there's good stuff like this that I post.
