Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Dad's New BMW 328i

This past weekend my dad picked up his new ride: a 2007 BMW 328i. He ordered it sometime last month, but it had to be shipped over from Europe, so that's why he just got it this weekend. Now, I'm posting from my phone, as I tend to do often now, so the picture is from the phone's camera, and doesn't do the car justice, but hopefully you can get the idea that this thing is sweet. It's metallic black with a tan interior, and I just got a chance to drive it today. Even though I didn't really get to open it up and see what it could do (like Dad would let me do that anyway), this thing is quite the machine. From what he's told me, he absolutely loves it, and can't wait for his road trip up to Seattle soon. I remember that same feeling when I got my truck, just wanting to drive it around for a while, but the truck is hardly the vehicle that this puppy is. Maybe Dad will go on a trip soon and not want to park at the airport, so he'll ask me to drive him? In this? Hey, a guy can dream right?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

wow, very nice. You should switch with your dad.
