Sunday, March 02, 2008

NBA Finals Domination

If you don't feel like delving into the Vegas epic just yet, check this out.

My roommate Jake and I were just sitting out in the front room watching Sportscenter and trying to name the two other teams that won an NBA Championship that didn't have Shaq or Tim Duncan. Those 2 players have won 8 out of the last 10, so we were trying to name the other ones. We got Detroit quick, but couldn't name the other one.

It ended up being the '98 Bulls, the last one Jordan won, and I found it on Wikipedia.

However, that's not the point. That's only the means to an end. The end is what else we found on that Wikipedia page. We each had an idea that the Lakers and Celtics were dominant in their heydays, but we had no idea they were this dominant:

I guess I might have heard before, but I really didn't know the Celtics went to 9 straight Finals, winning 8 in a row, making 11 Finals in 12 years and a total of 16 in 20 years. THAT is true dominance! Tom Brady has absolutely nothing on that.

I also didn't know, and neither did Jake, an LA fan, that the Lakers went to 14 Finals of 18, if you don't count those 11 years in between, since moving to LA, but only won 5 of them. That's some bad luck, but still some serious Western Conference ownage.

I guess that's what a Larry Bird or a Magic Johnson will do for you.

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