Thursday, April 24, 2008

Oh, the Comedic Juxtoposition is Killing Me

Every Tuesday and Thursday, during my 2 hour break between classes, I come to the computer lab to kill time. The first thing I do is read the top stories on Digg from my iGoogle homepage. Today, The third story, with 2247 Diggs (as of this posting) was titled "Penis theft on the rise." That's a funny and ridiculous headline, but could it really be true? I had to check it out.

So I click the link (to Yahoo News) and read the original headline, "Lynchings in Congo as penis theft panic hits capital." How hilarious, so I read the first paragraph:

Police in Congo have arrested 13 suspected sorcerers accused of using black magic to steal or shrink men's penises after a wave of panic and attempted lynchings triggered by the alleged witchcraft.
Oh my God it got more funny and ridiculous. So I read a little bit more, laughed at the use of the term "penis snatching," and made my way down the page.

Then I noticed something. An ad on the page. For Hillary Clinton. I shit you not, this was the ad that popped up, I have the screencap to prove it:

So I sat back and admired this hilarious juxtaposition. A story about a penis snatchers witch hunt, and Hillary's face right there, with "Should Hillary Quit" on it.

So I ask you, good people of the Blogarrhea: Should Hillary quit snatching penises?

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