Monday, August 25, 2008

I Wish I Was Like Polski

"He once had a heart attack, woke up, and sold the paramedics 12 dozen steak knives. That was Polski!"

(Bill Brasky quotes anyone?)


Anonymous said...


you should listen to this and tell me what you think. hope your well man.


Anonymous said...

Dude, ye are more like Polski than U think. I knew Polski back during his daze on the sales force of Vector Marketing (Cutco Cutlery--look it up if U don't believe) and, trust me, you look JUST like 'im.

Here's something he once said about the difference between plastic and metal knives (in Polish, but what do you expect from someone named POLSKI?) Anyway, you can translate it at babelfish or something...

- to chyba metal jest, albo malowany metal, powierzchnia chlodna
- to albo metal malowany, albo, moze tez byc plastik
- kolorowy.... jest
- wyrazny...
- podobny.... moze to zabawka?
- powierzchnia gladka, ale sa jakies nierownosci
- nawet palec wieznie.... moze to jakies naciecia...albo jakies litery....albo po prostu nierownosci?
- podobne do zabawki
- kolorowy metal albo plastik, metal malowany
- ot i wszystko.... stop
