Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Can't wait for spring term

Next term is going to be so nice. I have 4 classes, 16 credits, just like every other term. However, since three of them are business school classes, and one is a two days a weeks music class, I have no class on Fridays. This term, I've had 4 Friday classes. It was so hard to drag myself out of bed and get to class at 9 in the morning every Friday, and sit through 3 more after that. Next term, I'll have 4 hours of class per day, although most 2 hour business classes have a habit of ending early, and only 4 days a week. Also, my earliest class all week is at noon, and it's a music history class, so there's no way I won't make it to that class, and I go 'till 6 everyday, which isn't too late, but late enough. The only downside to my schedule next term is that all 4 of my classes are 2 hours long. The upside to that though, as I meantioned, is that the habit of most business school professors in strictly business classes is to end early if they don't have anything more to teach. Also, I know from taking a class with him last term that Woedick, the music history professor, doesn't go longer than an hour and 20 minutes. I'll post my schedule here soon, but for the time being, next term I'm taking Marketing 311, Management 321, Business Administration 352, and History of the Blues 270. I am stoked to finally be taking business classes in the business school, and I'm choosing to minor in music history, and I love music, so naturally I'm excited about that class. I'll let you know how they go, but at this point, I have high hopes for next term going way better than this term.

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