Sunday, June 11, 2006

Entourage - Season 3


Well, if you all haven't realized yet, I love the HBO show Entourage. I think it's the best show on TV, and luckily for me, the season 3 premiere is on tonight at 10. There is a lot of stuff happening this season. The big news will be how Ari bounces back. I'm so stoked for that. If you want to get a peek at the new season, click here. Mind you, this is a spoiler article, so don't look if you don't want to know. I will say one thing though. This show must be getting pretty damn big, because Kobe Bryant shows up once or twice for a cameo. I'm way excited for the new season. You better believe I'll be wearing my "Hug It Out" t-shirt (yeah, I really have one. Came with season 2).

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