Sunday, June 11, 2006

It's a bird, it's a plane, it's a hit!

Superman Returns

Thursday night was the first night any press got to see Superman Returns, and HOLY SHIT did they like it! My God, this movie is getting me more excited than Indiana Jones 4 now! Ok, I got my hands on 5 reviews (all spoiler free), and they ALL say it's great. Apparently Bryan Singer (dir.) is the real deal. I mean, I loved The Usual Suspects, and X2 was ok, but this is apparently a movie that will put Pirates of the Carribean 2 to shame. That's a ligitimate statement too. Click on the links to read the full reviews, and click the picture to check out the trailer. Without further ado, here they are:

"Singer & Co. can be content knowing they’ve managed not only to resurrect an American icon but done it with smarts, grace and even poetry. It’s going to be hard for any superhero movie to beat the magisterial bearing Singer so emphatically summons as in one memorable shot Superman is seen suspended in space, his dusty-colored cape twirling, an ancient god come from the heavens."
-The Boston Globe

"I've echoed in this space the general interpretation of WB's decision to open Bryan Singer's film on Wednesday, 6.28, instead of the originally announced 6.30 debut, as a desire to maximize the holiday take before the dreaded onslaught of Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man's Chest the following weekend. This view was, in hindsight, partially misleading because it suggested that a better pure-entertainment, bang-for-your-buck element would be coming from Pirates. That will obviously be a matter of perspective as the days advance, but it seems highly unlikely (I almost wrote "inconceivable") that Pirates will surpass Superman Returns in terms of emotionality and embodying a resonant, fully developed theme."
-Hollywood Elsewhere

"My anticipation for the film "Superman Returns" was off the charts, which concerned me - was there any chance this movie could live up to my expectations? Well, CBR News was invited to a screening of the film Thursday night and I can say with total confidence that it was everything a comics fan - and movie fan - could hope for. Yes, it's that good."
-Comic Book Resources

"This movie is far greater than I could have ever anticipated, and I went in with extremely high expectations."
-Jeffrey Bridges (I'm going to guess he's biased, but it's a review none the less)

"Bryan Singer has delivered a Superman film that sets a strong foundation for the future of the character. This isn't really just another Superman film. This is a strong character film that is about Superman... about a God finding his place among mortals. It's a Superman that knows when to have fun, and when to take itself seriously, and hits all the right notes along the way."
-Blue Tights Network (again, biased I'm sure)

There is already a Superman Returns sequel slated around 2009. It's untitled as of right now, but Singer will be back, and if this baby is as good as they say, that's all that matters. June 30, count me in.

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