Sunday, June 04, 2006

A little change

Well, I have just made some changes:

1. I have enlarged the font of my blog. I don't know if any of you have a hard time reading it, but I was on someone else's computer, and it was tiny. So I made it bigger. Please tell me if you want me to keep it, make it bigger, make it smaller, whatever. As a matter of fact, if you have any suggestions, let me know, because I have been messing with the code for this blog a lot, and I feel like I can pretty much manipulate it all. That leads me to #2.

2. I have included a "Just Watched" section in my sidebar. As many of you know, I am a huge movie buff, and watch them as much as I can. I will update this whenever I watch a new movie. I also have a rating system (that I stole from IMDb), so you can see what I thought of it based on a 5 star scale. Just a little fun.

There's your check-up, enjoy!


Kevin said...


I've just changed my rating system. It is no longer IMDb stars, it's now my original creation, and is more fitting given it's the Reganometer.

Anonymous said...

The picture for the Reganometer makes me laugh my fat ass off when drunk. Just thought I'd let you know. As right now I'm drunk and laughing.

Kevin said...

Well, thank you. I thought it would make people laugh; even those drunk at 2:30p on a Wednesday...

Anonymous said...

Hey, I had my last final on Tuesday and I don't start work until the 12th. So it's not that bad that I deserve an elipsis after your post. Or maybe you're right . . .
