Monday, July 24, 2006

Does everybody know what time it is?

Lunch time! That's right, and McDonalds is proud to present the sundial billboard! I don't know why I got the urge to open that like an episode of Tool Time on Home Improvement, but you know what? I did. Anyways, I thought this was a pretty cool idea. Depending on what time of the morning it is, this billboard recommends the most effective way of clogging your arteries. Hey look, it's heartburn thirty!


cody said...

hey how do you do the just watched toolbar thing, i want to do a just read thing.

Kevin said...

Ok, I can't really do it in a comment because it's all code, and it won't show up, it will just be accepted as code. The easiest way to do this in my opinion is to give me your login info and then i can go in, set it up, and then tell you how to change it. If you want me to get into the longwinded version of explaining it, I can, but it's your call.

Zach Francis said...

Oh McDonald's, is there no level you won't stoop to fatten my ass up?

Just an interesting side note, my word verifacation was CHAOS, just thought that was kind of cool in a random way.
