Tuesday, August 29, 2006

My Room

This is my room down in Eugene. I went down there this last weekend and moved most of my stuff in. The picture is taken from the doorway, my closet is on the wall the door is on to the left of this picture, and the window is on the left wall. You can see my bed in the corner, my recliner next to it, my new rug on the floor, my desk at the foot of my bed, and my night stand aka printer stand next to it. The tv will go across from my recliner, and my mini fridge i'm going to get today will go next to it. So there it is. I'll post some more pictures of the house when I get down there on Friday, if I remember.

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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the pic. Looks great. Nice to know what I'm paying for!! Hope it is a good year. GO DUCKS!!

