Friday, August 25, 2006


You know, there comes a time during the day when I just don't want to think anymore. You know that feeling? It's been a long enough day. I woke up at 5:30a, hopped on the bus at 7:15a, and hit the office at 8:00a. Right now, it's almost 2:00p, and I say that's a solid 8 1/2 hours, so my work day is over. From 2-5 it's all on autopilot. Just put my feet up and the desk and take a nap. If only right? But the fact is, it's Friday, and I'm ready to check out, so I've decided to get on here and do some rambling. As I'm writing this very sentence, I have no idea what I'm going to ramble about, but I just had a feeling. "I just got that old-fashioned romantic feeling...where I'd do anything to bone her." That, of course, comes from my favorite movie Dumb and Dumber, and is just one of many awesomely inapproprate quotes that I absolutely love. In my opinion, that movie relates to every facet of life. You can throw out a topic, and I can give you six degrees to Dumb and Dumber, if not a direct link. I defy you to challenge me. I defy you...

So, I guess I just rambled right there, and I didn't even notice. (lick my finger and motion in the air to mark a "1" on the board) Count it. I have just a few things I want to say to get this train rolling. Here goes: The movie Armageddon is the most American movie ever made. What happens when there's a world crisis that threatens to destroy the entire planet? America seems to be the only country that knows about it and the only country that could possibly save it. How do they save it? Well, the classic American rags-to-riches story about a bunch of nobodys that somehow all are chosen to become astronauts and turn into the heroes. To top it off, the Space Shuttles they go out in are called the "Freedom" and the "Independence". That's sure to spark an argument, if anyone is reading of course. I'm pretty sure I don't believe it, but I was listening to a movie podcast, and they brought that up because somebody sent it to them. Pretty strong argument he had, I missed some stuff, but whatever. Next thing is: I need a mini-fridge for my room at school. I need to keep my beverages cold. That's just a fact people. I don't even care if you wanted to know or not, because beverage temperature is God damn important. OK, I just want to let you know, that I am tired of sitting down, so I'm going to go downstairs, take a walk around the block and grab a drink at the local mini-mart. See you in a few minutes.

Alright, so I'm back, and I have to tell you, while I was out, something incredible happened. I got a Dr. Pepper, but it wasn't just any Dr. Pepper, it was a 24 oz., and it was the same price as the 20 oz. Idiots! Man, the best part of my day I swear. Also while I was out, I had a thought. I walked 3 blocks to the mini-mart, and on my way I saw 3 Starbucks. Rediculous, yes, but I started thinking about how loyal Starbucks drinkers are; the whole "I have to have my Starbucks" and will drive 8 extra miles out of their way in the morning just to get it. I seriously heard some lady in my office say she used to do that when she worked in Hillsboro. What a tool. Anyways, it got me thinking: which chain has more influence over its customers, Starbucks or Wal-Mart? Initially I was thinking "Oh, gotta be Wal-Mart" just because I think I've been conditioned to think that automatically from business school. But then I proposed the scenario (yes, to myself, I realize that): If both chains endorsed a presidential candidate, which chain's candidate would win? Immediately then I thought Starbucks for sure. I think Wal-Mart's customers are loyal, sure, but if the prices weren't so low, I don't think they'd have nearly as much influence. Wal-Mart pulls weight with the brands it sells, but not the customers. Starbucks, on the other hand, has people like that obnoxious lady that will go to great lengths to get it, because nothing else will suffice. They directly influence their consumer. So clearly, I think the Starbucks candidate would win. Frankly, I think the Starbucks candidate would be much more appropriate as President anyways; Wal-Mart's never really had the caliber of people worthy of such a position.

You know, I'm about to wrap this up, because I'm feeling content with the crap I just threw out in a stream of conciousness. If you're still reading, you either really love me or you feel bad for me and do it to raise my self-esteem. I'd like to say that I appreciate both. I'm such a loser...


Anonymous said...


cody said...

ramblings of my own
i was thinking about what you said and i agree if the two coporations backed a president the starbucks canidate would win. starbuck consumer's are addicted to expensive cofee wal-mart customers aren't, addiction equals poll results. but starbucks would win by default in large part because i assume loyal and frequent wal-mart customers probably don't vote.
but this whole rant got me thinking, because i'm still drafting my new short story. i mean the whole story is suppose to be an introduction to how i think democracy dies. i honestly don't think it will be the result of a war or an overt political struggle but will occur when consumers base and define their freedom solely by their purchasing power or their freedom to choose in the marketplace. if our country continues down the path it is on, it's not paranoia or extreme to think that only lobbyists and a couple multi-national coporations that they represent will effectively control the world and politics. its not hard (atleast for me) to think that our children's children will someday live in a dictatorship where democracy is nothing more than a well ochrestrated farce to keep the public docile. and someday the only form of revolution will not be to fight but to refrain from consuming. all im saying is someday starbucks or time-warner or mcdonald's will back a president and they will win. thanks for listening to my ramblings. someday i'll get this orwellian mess out on paper and i'll have a novel.

Kevin said...

Haha, I like it! My rediculous ramblings inspired another. This is viral man; I think it's going to spread, and I think it's going to spread fast!

I'm not sure if I can quite invision the world you describe, a bit too Orwellian, although much of what he wrote in 1984 is far too accurate, but I just don't imagine the bulk of this country, especially the literate, to go the way of consumtion-based voting. But, if we did, I agree that the revolution would not be by physical force. There would be too many individual forces acting against each other and it would be very inefficient, due to our country's diversity.

On another topic, that movie Children of Men with Clive Owen about the human race that is on the verge of extinction due to an infertilization disease is one that I hope somewhat speaks on this topic, if not a related one, because a lot of themes carry over. Plus, I really want to see it.

Thanks for the ramblings.
