Sunday, October 29, 2006

Beatles Fact of the Day

It's back! I was cleaning up my desktop today and found a list of Beatles facts I thought were interesting. Most of them I had already used, but there was one that I hadn't and here it is:

George wrote the song "Piggies" on The White Album, and when he wrote it, he intended it as social commentary. However, many people interpreted it as an anti-police anthem. The infamous Charles Manson happened to be one of those people. Manson, in his very disturbed mind, thought when George said that the piggies needed a "damn good whacking," he meant the American police in particular. During the murders of Sharon Tate, the La Bianca's and others he killed, knives and forks were used to stab them because these utensils were mentioned in the song. The words "pig and piggy" were written with the victims' blood on the walls. George was horrified when he learned his song took on another meaning and perhaps provided some motivation for Manson.

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