Sunday, November 05, 2006


Well folks, the Bush administration is dancing in the streets right now because Saddam Hussein has been sentenced. Today, in a U.S. sponsored court in Baghdad, Saddam was sentenced to death by hanging for his crimes committed against humanity.

He's a witch! Hang him from the gallows! Better yet, let's burn him at the stake! It's been a long time since I've heard of someone actually being sentenced to death by hanging. In fact, I don't think I ever have. I think the last time I heard of anyone being hanged might have been in the movie The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly with Clint Eastwood. It is odd to hear, but I realize it is Baghdad, and much crazier shit goes on and has gone on there. Nothing like this would ever happen here though, because we don't support that kind of stuff... right?

Well, actually, President Bush called it a milestone.

"Saddam Hussein's trial is a milestone in the Iraqi people's effort to replace the rule of a tyrant with the rule of law," Bush told reporters in Waco as he left for Nebraska and Kansas to campaign for Republican candidates. "It is a major achievement for Iraq's young democracy and its constitutional government."
Ok, so Bush's comments were about the court system working over there being a milestone, and not the hanging, but I'm sure he got a few ideas from the decision. Death Row convicts, prepare to be executed a bit earlier than expected.

But what Bush wants won't really matter if the Democrats take over this Tuesday. They're already making plans about where to go from here.

"The Iraqis have traded a dictator for chaos. Neither option is acceptable, especially when it is our troops who are caught in the middle," said Senate Democratic leader Harry Reid of Nevada. "We have seen milestones pass in Iraq before, with no lasting signs of progress," he said. "If today's sentencing is to be any different, we need to take a new direction in Iraq."

So there you have it. Just has always happened before with the Bush administration, right before election day, some big victory for America comes up ever so conveniently. Well, I'm praying this time it doesn't work. Here's to the next 2 years being big right hooks to the Bush and the gang.

[via Reuters]

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