Saturday, December 02, 2006

My Chemical Romance

These guys are my favorite band of the last 30 years (everything Beatles came out way before '76). I have loved them ever since I bought their album Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge when it first came out (before anyone knew about them) and their album The Black Parade just solidified it. Their first album, I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love, is pretty raw for them, as far as studio production goes, but I still like it a lot. I've listened to both the Three Cheers and Black Parade albums at least 100+ times combined, and they are both great! I've also begun reading biograpies and interviews about them, and they have just boosted my appreciation and admiration for the band. I'm pretty sure Gerard Way, their front man, is my hero at the moment, and lately, I have been writing lyrics of my own that are MCR inspired. Just wanted to let everyone know I'm a big fan, before they get too big, and that I've been a big fan for a while, so no one accuses me of jumping on any kind of bandwagon or anything like that. They are amazing, and that's all I have to say.


Anonymous said...

They're already pretty big Kev.

Kevin said...

Yeah, they're big now, but not a few years ago. I appreciate the comment... and the Clockwork Orange reference. But please, get with the times, the man plays Terence on Entourage now.
