Wednesday, March 21, 2007

My brother, The Flash

The first track meet of the 2007 Rex Putnam track & field season was last night, and my brother, Matt, was amazing. Unfortunately, I couldn't be there to watch, but he ran really well. He finished 2nd in the 1500m by just over a second, finishing with a time of 4:15.1, and beat his own personal best by about :16 seconds. That's a lot of time to shave off of that race. He also ran in the 4x400m relay (my favorite event). His split was 54.2, which beat his previous best by almost :01 second.

Being the beginning of the season and all, it's not that often that you beat your PR's. Normally that comes near the end of the season when you're peaking. Apparently, Matt has improved a ton already, and I can't wait to see what he can do the rest of the season. The way he is running, and has in the past, is a lot like mine was, except he is about a year ahead of me, if not more. I realized my biggest leap in ability/speed/whatever going into my senior season. That's when I ran all of my best times (shameless plug: 400m - :50.0, 800m - 1:55.7, 1500m - 4:04.7). I don't think I was running his times junior year though. I remember when Peter Marks and I were the top 1500m runners in the TRL, and each week one of us would run faster than the other, an I think I remember struggling to get a 4:17 in the middle of that season, so Matt is way ahead of me. I am not doubtful that he will be a much better runner than I am, and I really hope he is, because that would be really fun to watch. Plus, then there can be 2 Regan's on the Putnam top 10 lists.

But enough about me, seriously. This is about Matt! You can keep tabs on Matt on his very own website. It's run by, but it's got his schedule, his times, and everything else you'll need. Check it out. Great luck with the rest of the season Matt! I'm proud of you.

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