Tuesday, May 29, 2007

MLB Branded Urns & Caskets

Only question now is, do I want to be buried or cremated? I was perusing the internet, waiting for my free copy of Vista to download and browsing for RAM upgrades, and I came upon these little nuggets of greatness:
(Click to enlarge)

These are Major League Baseball branded urns and caskets. I am not sure what else to say about them. I guess I'm more excited to die now. The ones above are what I would choose, and that's Atlanta Braves branded. I think I would rather have the urn too, it seems so much cooler, with the little home plate and ball, and everyone would be able to see it as long as someone had it, unlike a casket which gets tossed in the ground. They have 8 urns out now, 12 to come by years end, then the rest of the 10 sometime next year. They plan to release the caskets beginning in the fall.

I think I would ultimately want a Beatles urn at this point, but until I see one of those, put me down for a Braves urn.

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