Friday, December 07, 2007

Best Shirt Ever!

This is called the Spoiler shirt from Threadless, one of the many online funny shirt retailers. It's all sold out of every size right now, but there's a chance they're going to reprint it, and if they do, I am definitely buying one.

I hope there's someone out there that will read this and appreciate it as much as I do. It's perfect.


Anonymous said...

thanks ass, I haven't seen beautiful mind

Kevin said...

Haha, so there IS someone out there who appreciates it. That's not really a big secret in the movie though, you kind of see it coming. At least I did, so I assume you would.

I think the Citizen Kane one and the Usual Suspects one are the best, and my favorites. Also the Harry Potter one. Sorry to anyone about that one, but if you didn't know by now, you probably don't care anyways.
