Thursday, December 13, 2007

The Mitchell Report. Aah!!!

The Mitchell Report, Major League Baseball's in depth investigation into all things steroids comes out today, in about an hour. People are speculating that big, big names will be revealed, and lots of them. Roger Clemens and Andy Pettitte's names have been leaked as two to be included already. ESPN is basically devoting the whole day to its coverage, so it's going to be huge.

It sounds like it's based on testimony from clubhouse workers and personal trainers, so who knows how much actual evidence it will have, but one thing's for sure, it's going to blow up modern baseball. Aah!!! I'll have some updates later.

P.S. I wonder how many hits this guy is getting and will get today.


UPDATE 1 - 11:15am - Mitchell's press conference is going on right now, and he's made some pretty strong statements already. He's said:

"For more than a decade there has been widespread anabolic steroid use" and "Each of the 30 clubs had a player or players involved in taking illegal substances"
Wow. I'm excited to hear some of the names now. And hear what Bud Selig has to say at 1:30. Stay tuned.

UPDATE 2 - 11:45am - Download the 300+ page document as a pdf here.

UPDATE 3 - 5:00pm - After flipping through the pdf and watching ESPN a while, a few big names are implicated in actually "taking" the drug, and a few other names I didn't expect. Names like Roger Clemens, Andy Pettitte, Miguel Tejada, and Eric Gagne.

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