Wednesday, May 14, 2008

"Please take that ugly OSU shit off." Love, Franklin

There's a story in some po-dunk news paper in Albany about a tour at the UO Athletic Department on Friday where the tour guide asked kids to take off or cover up their OSU crap. Well, it was our good friend Franklin [from Allow Me To Be Frank(lin)] and now he's famous! Check out the article in the Albany Democrat Herald.

I would just like to commend Franklin on his efforts. I think it's disrespectful to wear clothes with a rival's name and/or logo to that school. It would be fine if the Beavs were playing, of course, I would actually encourage that. But it wasn't. It was a tour, given by an unpaid intern, for free. Show some courtesy.

But this kid made a big deal out of nothing really. The teachers even said they didn't think anything of it. It wasn't like they were forced to take their stuff off, it was a comment playfully jabbing back at some kids who, by what they were wearing, were jabbing at him. How do I know? Franklin told me.

There is a lot of chatter on the eDuck forums about this. I like a lot of them (like "That tour guide deserves a raise."), and you should check them out if you need a laugh or a reminder of how dumb some people are, but I would just like to post one comment in particular that was relevant and that I liked a lot:

"I think it's humorous in many ways...
  1. that you think there is something bad about it
  2. that the tour guide takes his school and colors so seriously
  3. that the kids "parents" take it so seriously that they made it a point to dress their kids up in osu garb prior to the field trip to U of O
  4. That the teachers did not address something like that in a note to the parents prior to the field trip, like is normally done.
  5. That you and I are even commenting on it."
So true buddy, so true.

Oh boy, those crazy Albanians (I assume that's what they're called), everything's a big story when you live in the sticks, I guess.

What do you think? After reading the story, is this a big deal or not?

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