Saturday, June 07, 2008

Sincere? Or Veiled Mockery?

Obama is naturally basking in the glow of the Democratic Nomination, as Hilary Clinton has announced that she is done, and that she officially supports Obama to boot. So his people throw up this nice little graphic and send it out to all 40 billion people Obama has on his mailing list, me being one of them.

So I look at this and think, "oh, that's a nice gesture from him." He's showing some class, which is nothing new from him. But then I was looking at it, and I was thinking, that could be a pretty snide comment if there was some other motivation for it. Something like "Thank You, Senator Clinton, for finally getting real and dropping out of this race." The fact that he called her Senator Clinton and not Hillary also could play to that intention.

I'm sure it means well, but I just thought it was kind of funny. I look forward to Obama finally getting into some actual campaigning for President, instead of just the Democratic Nomination. OBAMA!

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