Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Finally, a Blog Post

I know I'm a little late writing this, but I feel like I've been pretty busy with the new job, and our internet connection is slow as balls, so that doesn't encourage me. But, now that I've finally gotten around to it, I'll give you a taste of what my life has been like the last 7 days.

My first day was filled with new information of all kinds, from where the bathrooms are to how to fill out an expense report to what exactly I'll be doing for 6 months. The answer to that last one is simple: I'm going to class. It's basically another term of college in that almost every week I'll have class. Along with that will be training trip weeks where I will fly to different parts of the country and travel with reps in certain cities to kind of get a feel for the job. My first trip home is the beginning of August. I'll be in Portland on the bookend weekends of my week training in Seattle. Sounds like fun.

So, I have my cubicle, my tiny bit of real estate that I will ultimately grow to hate. I have a laptop that plugs into a dual monitor setup on my desk, and that's basically my gateway to learning almost everything I will need to know. It's pretty impressive how much information they have online at this place. You should see the server room. Anyways, without going into too much detail, daily life will be a combination of computer and in-class learning, with hands-on stuff thrown in every now and then. All while wearing a suit.

My apartment is pretty nice. I'll post the pictures at the bottom of this post of my room and one of the living room. Rent is free, it's got air conditioning, and someone comes and cleans it every other week, too. So, I'd have no right to complain even if I wanted to. I could throw a baseball from my apartment and (literally) hit the building, so it's a nice 1 minute drive to work. "Why drive?" you ask? Oh, only because at 7:30 in the morning it's already 85 degrees and humid as hell. So, the drive keeps me from sweating through my suit by the time I get there. It's pretty nasty weather here. Sometimes it's nice, like when there's a little breeze or I'm in the pool, but otherwise it's just awful. It's wet when you go outside, and by the time I walk to someone else's apartment, I'm a little sweaty.

Speaking of that, most of the other trainees live in the same complex, and I've found a lot of them to be really nice, so we hang out after work. A few of them I would consider friends by now, and it's only been a week. It's kind of weird how it happened so fast and easy like that. We just got Rock Band for 360, so we've been playing that nonstop for a while. If you follow me on Twitter you already know what I mean. It's a great game, and after 6 months I'll be the one taking it home, so all my Portland friends will be able to come over and play. It's really addicting. Especially the drums. I've found I'm better at the drums than I ever was at guitar, and only after 2 days, so that's my instrument of choice.

The cafeteria at work is awesome. The food is all really good. Well, except the chicken, but everything else so far has been really, really good, and the best part is it's deducted straight out of your paycheck pre-tax, and it's really cheap. So, it's a pretty good setup.

On my second day, they had the monthly office birthday party where they announce all the birthdays this month, hand out awards, eat and get drunk. Yeah, that's right, get drunk. At the office. It was awesome. Plus, I have learned that all company functions involve alcohol, which kind of makes me wonder what kind of people I'm working with. It was funny, today I had a little orientation class, and they touched on the company gun policy... Only in Texas.

So, work is pretty fun so far, but there's a big learning curve, and I just realized I put in for the wrong vacation days, so I need to handle that tomorrow. My supervisor, if you can even give this person that title, is not very helpful, so that might be a hassle. But I'm going to the gym regularly now, playing basketball with some of the guys now and then, playing Rock Band, and trying to stay out of the heat.

That's pretty much what's been going on in my life for the last week. I haven't quite settled in yet, but I think after I get my first paycheck I can get to settling. Until then, you should all make plans to come down and visit me.

Oh, and let me know if there's anything I left out that you want to know about, because this was kind of a stream of consciousness post. Keep checking Twitter and KevsPix, and even ItsOnTap which I'm going to be trying to resurrect because I like posting on it. Now it's off to bed so I can get some sleep before it starts all over again tomorrow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Kev....thanks! I have been waiting for a summary blog to inform me of the job. Sounds pretty organized. When you described it as another 6 months of class, I laughed but reminded myself at least your getting paid for this class. I like that part. Is that your roommate in the picture? I am glad to hear you are quickly bonding and making friends. That will make the whole time there much more enjoyable. I'm guessing you are all in the same boat....looking to meet new friends since you are all alone together. Kind of like camp. The apt. looks great. The drive to work not to sweat is HILARIOUS. Good to know youll be coming home too in August. I miss your smiley face. Thanks again. Love, D
