Monday, July 07, 2008

My Trip to Houston: Day 3

I got a lot of driving in today, more, or at least what felt like more, than the two previous days. For that reason, and simply the fact that it's day 3, I'm a bit more tired than I was the last 2 nights. However, today was relatively boring, so it works out that on the night I'm more tired I have the least to say. So, with that in mind, let's get to the boring story of my day 3.

I woke up to some female employee knocking on my door asking if I needed any services. Now, I simply said no thanks, but what I thought was much deeper in the gutter. If you're thinking works like mine, which I know some of yours does, you can imagine me giggling inside during that short pause in between when she asked and when I replied. A "that's what she said" moment, but this time, in real life, with a stranger... that actually said it. Anyway, that was a funny little way to wake up and start my day.

I had a little breakfast, packed up, fueled up, and headed out, just like every other day. I hit Albuquerque in under an hour, with MacBreak Weekly keeping me busy. I ran into a bit of rain, about 5 minutes worth, but I was going fast enough that the wind kept the bed of my truck dry. After that, it cleared up, and eventually all the clouds burned off.

It was pretty flat and straight until I hit Amarillo and had to do a bit of paying attention in order to get on the right connecting highway, but after that, it was more boring, straight highway all the way into Fort Worth and beyond.

While I was driving through Amarillo, I saw 2 Waffle House restaurants, which I fondly remember from my trip to Atlanta with my dad and brother when I was younger. After I got over the nostalgia, I got to thinking: Houston is the fattest city in the nation, or so I've heard/read. So, am I going to have to try harder to stay in shape? Is it the actual city and places in it that make you fatter? Or is it just the people there that are prone to national record-setting fatness? I guess I don't know yet, but I plan to stay in shape regardless, so it really doesn't matter. Just an interesting thought that kind of got my mind further wrapped around the idea of living there for half a year.

So, I kept driving through Fort Worth, and eventually just made it to Waco. It didn't seem too long of a day until it got dark, and then I started planning to stop. But I listened to a lot of podcasts, finished Blink, and the driving just kind of took care of itself. Mountain Dew helped, too.

I'm holed up in a Country Inn after going to a Motel 6 first. I was waiting for the desk clerk to do whatever it was she was doing, but it was taking forever, so I just left and went across the street. It's only about 3 hours to Houston tomorrow, which is WAY less than I expected. That means I've driven about 2,000 miles in 3 days. Not bad. They weren't too hard, but I'm very glad tomorrow is going to be short. The whole driving thing is getting old.

Anyways, not much happened today, but here are some pictures showing some of the trip. Enjoy.


Anonymous said...

I am so glad you are almost there. I am beginning to feel your pain. Driving that far is not fun, especially in the record setting time you are making. Texas looks as boring in the pictures as I imagined it to be. You have to promise me not to become like Texas. From all people I know who have lived there, including my brother Frank, it is like another country in some ways. And one big state, huh? Glad to know you are safe again. I'm off to bed too, thinking about you and wishing you luck tomorrow on your arrival. The closer to Houston, the quicker you'll be returning to the greener Pacific NW. I love you.


Anonymous said...

You are amazing! Glad to know you're there (twitter tells all)and can't wait to talk with you. I'll have my professional ear on any budding accent =) B'day Bud
