Wednesday, July 09, 2008

My Trip to Houston: Day 4

My last travel day was very short, and also very boring. Unlike Utah, Colorado, or even New Mexico, Texas is the opposite of scenic. It's very flat, with a lot of farmland from what I could see. It's also very hot, but that much I was expecting. I wasn't expecting Texas to be that boring from the northwestern point all the way to the southeastern coast. It was kind of disappointing, but I only had to drive 3 hours, so I wasn't worried about the scenery as much as I was just getting there.

I left the hotel around 10am, which was later than I had the whole trip, but still 8am Portland time. I wasn't fully adjusted, and I could tell when 10 felt like 8. About 2 and a half hours of the trip were flat and boring, going through different levels of po'dunk towns. But when I got about a half hour away, it started becoming Houston.

Now, Houston is a huge city, so I was basically driving through it for about 15 or 20 minutes, without traffic. And I wasn't even going into Houston. I"m on the northwestern side! I think a few of the current trainees are going to show Nick (my roommate) and I around downtown this weekend, but I haven't even gotten into the heart of the city.

But I got to my place, which is in a gated apartment complex that a bunch of the trainees live in. It's nice, with a nice living room and dining room set, and fully furnished. It's 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms, with a living room/dining room, and a big kitchen for an apartment. We don't have to pay rent or utilities, and someone comes to clean it every other week. It's pretty cool.

I don't really have pictures from day 4, because it was so boring, and when I got around to trying to take pictures of the apartment, it was too dark to get any decent shots with my camera. So, that will have to wait (because I didn't take any today either). But, I did snap some pictures of 3 specific cities along the way: Franklin, Jerome, and Bryan. Yes, those are all city names, and also happen to be friends of mine. So, that was kind of cool.

In other news, I started work today! I have much to say about that, so stay tuned for my next update. Until then, keep checking Twitter, because while I didn't update much today, I will be in the days to come.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for taking the time. I like hearing about you. Look forward to more words, pics, and even a video link some time soon. You can show me your apt. live.

It's good night for now.



Ryan Maley said...

Too bad the town named Ryan is located on the Forest Moon of Endor. Ewok's love it, it fulfills all there teddy bear needs.

Franklin said...

I hear the city of Franklin has Dr. Peppper flowing form it's drinking fountains.

Great to hear you made it through your trip without major incident. Now let's see how many layers of suit you can sweat completely through a day.
