Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Fall term final grades

Ladies and gentlemen, there it is, my Fall term grades. I wish I got cash for grades, because this term I got all A's. This is the best I've done in college so far. Plus, if you count that credit I got for my internship, the "Prac Teamwork II," I took 17 credits this term, which is more than I've ever taken, and it's not like they were easy classes (as you can see, all 300 level). I'm proud of my 4.0, and just wanted to let those of you who cared know how I'm doing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The D-MAN is way proud too. Never a cocky young man, you deserve to crow about hard work, well-played. As far as I am concerned, you did get cash for grades in that each one of those grades cost about $500 -- thanks for taking it seriously. A very wise investment!!!
